I'm losing the details rapidly, but there was a barrage of different things going on last night: I was watching a herd of horses from above, as if I was in a helicopter...Arabians from someone's farm, and they were running around on an extremely steep hill in Arizona that was strewn with hay; I was at some hotel (?) or mall-world type place, which had running waterfalls and waterslides everywhere - there was a huge one that I was dying to go on but kept getting interrupted; I was meeting with Harrison but then a Russian gangster (?) pulled him aside to talk to him and was giving me dirty looks... I don't know, I guess that's all I can remember now. Oh! I just remembered something from last night: I was driving to knitting night (had been invited during the day to someone's house, for real) with four other women in the car, and took a quick left and then lost control of the car, which nearly slammed into a fence of someone's house... when I finally got to the house it was on a big farm, similar to yours...
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