Yet another bathroom dream

I really really sad, because I had to take down the Christmas decorations, and they were so pretty and the ceilings were so high in my house (a different, fancypants house), and it was going to be so hard, and then everything was going to be ugly when I was done. I was very upset and crying.
Then I was at a function, like a wedding, maybe? with Brian and I had to go to the bathroom, but there were no bathrooms. I told Brian we had to leave, because I had to go to the bathroom, and he pointed to the bathroom, and said "whats wrong with that bathroom?" So I went in, and it was very pretty and had this intricately patterned wall paper.
Then I was in a big open room, and someone (Maybe this woman, pat, from work?) was showing me a super fancy toilet, and she kept changing all the settings on it, to show me how many functions it had, and I just really had to pee, so I asked her to just let me use it, and she said okay, and then flipped down the seat, which had what looked like a cheese grater on it. Then she and Stephanie were helping me sit on it, it was really really tall and I couldn't get up on it myself, and then I finally did and i sat down, and I said, "Oh, this won't work. I feel like I'm sitting on a cheese grater."
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