Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gross stuff and yelling

Oh my. First I was in bed, and my mom was there, too. She was wearing only a tank top and undies, and they had the same pattern as this china we had when I was growing up. Then Brian was there, and I was telling him we had china that was the same pattern as my mom's undies.
Then we were downstairs and a whole bunch of people were staying with us and Nicole B was setting the table for dinner, but she kept putting chairs on top of tables and pillows under chairs and stuff, so i told her to just let me do it.
Then there were all these animal cages, like cat carriers in my house and they had gerbils and other creatures inside and we were breeding them. But one gerbil couple was talking and i heard the female telling to male to get off of her, he was killing her, and he said no just stay still for a minute, and i looked in the cage and he was literally killing her - her spine was all exposed where he was trying to hold her down. And inside another cage the gerbil kept having babies and then throwing up and there was all gross vomit and intestines and stuff in there with the babies.
Also, at some point, Hunter called Home Depot so we could return something, and he was telling them the thing never worked and it really wasn't fair. I was so proud of him for being so assertive on the phone with a grown up. then I had to get on the phone and give them our address, and they were saying okay, that's in wareham, right? And I had to correct them a million times and then i started to get mad and I yelled at the guy, too.
"I've lived here for 10 years!! I think I know what town I live in!!!"


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