Snow Room

I think you were with me...we were walking down a street in NYC and a woman stepped out of a storefront and invited us inside. We walked in and the whole inside of the store/room was covered in snow - there was about two feet on the ground, but it was also clinging to the walls and the ceiling. It was dripping. The woman was asking us questions about the room, what we thought of it, like it was a survey. By the time we were walking out of the store, most of the snow had melted and there were large puddles all over. The woman mentioned that she needed a photographer for an upcoming event, and I couldn't find my card in my wallet and was angry with myself for not being prepared. Then I was supposed to be going to some show with H., and I was looking for dresses in a big department store. I considered a long, red, velvet dress that came all the way up and covered my neck, covered my entire body (last night I shopped online for winter coats and bought a long, raspberry colored one, so that's where that came from). Then I ran into Clint Eastwood walking down the street, and he wanted me to come with him, so I did. I was afraid walking down the street because it seemed like a crime-ridden area. Clint was dressed very fashionably. I thought he wanted to have sex with me and I was about to back out, but then he brought me into this giant apartment and asked me to clean it - that's all he wanted from me . I was picking up all sorts of fancy suits and ties off the floor and hanging them up, but then it was getting late and I had to rush back to get to the show I was supposed to see.
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