Friday, September 06, 2013

Goats and horses

I went to stay at a house that jay and Kerri were renting.  All of the neighbors who goats and they walked them on leashes on the sidewalk.  I was trying to walk into town and the goats were eating my clothes and butting me and I was getting mad and the goat owners didn't understand why I was mad, they thought it was cute.  And then a guy was feeding a goat a beer with a funnel.  And he was like "he loves beer! Watch how drunk he gets!" And I walked away because I didn't think it was fair to the goat or funny. 
Then I was at a hardware Store behind my house and I asked the guy who worked there to recommend a good bird seed and he sold me a $50 bag.  And told me it lasts for months.  I didn't believe him but I just went with it.  Then I came home and you were riding a horse in my back yard- across the creek on the path that goes by the pigs.  There were two horses- a friend of yours was riding the other one.  We had rescued them from somewhere, or they were wild? But you guys could totally ride them and we realized they had been ridden before.  Then they started doing these fancy dressage moves, and you guys were laughing and totally... Delighted I guess is the right word.  


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