Manta Ray Sautee

The first one was that I was driving along a tree-lined road and came across numerous small water parks. One of them had an incredibly tall, winding, yellow waterslide that was irresistable - I think I was on my way to work but I got out t0 slide on it a few times. At one point I was in a covered part of the slide, like a long tube , and there were kids behind me and kids in front of me, and then Harrison was on this little boat and skidded around all the kids so he could slide next to me. And I wished it wasn't so crowded in there.
Then H. and I were at my sister's house, which overlooked a beach. At one point I walked down to the beach and saw a huge stingray/manta ray thing on the beach, flopping around and flipping up sand. It was freakish. Then I went back to the house and for some reason someone needed empty conch shells, and Sarah handed me three huge live conchs that I was supposed to boil (I think this is because you told me about your lobsters last night) to get the animals out. I put them in a large sautee pan and then they were no longer conchs but mini sting rays. I piled three of them on top of each other and they barely fit in the pan, and their eyes were rolling and their fins were flapping, and they looked very slick and were cooking very very slowly.
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