Tuesday, April 21, 2015

old boyfriend and a toilet cabin

I met up with Greg at the New England aquarium, which was also a sleep away camp.  We were walking in through the entryway, which was also like the Museum of Science, and we were holding hands, and I kept hugging him.  But every time I touched or smelled him, I would have these flashbacks to being with him, and feel like I wanted to be with him.  So I kept telling him that we shouldn't touch or hold hands because it isn't fair, and they aren't real feelings anyway, they're memories, and he was just smiling at me, like "yeah, okay, you totally want me."

But then I had to go to the bathroom (of course) and the bathroom was a one-room cabin with toilets lined up along one side of the room, just right next to each other, no walls, or partitions or anything. But all the toilets had little desks in front of them, with books and magazines and activities. And someone was in charge of the bathroom and was taking notes on our bathrooming.  And it turns out everyone had bowel issues, so we needed to have this special bathroom where people could help us.  And I wanted to go back and be with my group, but I kept needing the bathroom, so I just stayed in there while everyone else had fun.


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