Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Time travel

So you and I are travelling back and forth through time. I think that we were the same person, but I was the present "us" and you were the past "us". You were wearing a long brown dress with an apron and a hat type thing - kind of like an 18th century villager? , and I was wearing regular modern clothes. Anyway, we were in love with this guy, and something happened, and he died. So then you said we had to go back even further in the past to stop him from dying, and we do that and Brian kills him. I get really mad at Brian, telling him I hate him (which actually happened in real life the other night) and that I loved the man he killed and Brian has ruined everything. Brian doesn't care at all, he says, "he was in my house and I killed him, I'm not sorry about that." And for some reason now you are stuck in the past and I am stuck in the present and we can't try to fix it again. Then Harrison shows up and I keep trying to avoid talking about you, because I don't want to tell him you travelling back in time to save the man you love, who is obviously not him. I take him outside to see our sheep, which are the size of baby goats and need to be milked and the milk just starts spraying all over the place.


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