You really have to pay attention

When you're not thinking about and hoping to remember your dreams, it really makes a difference as far as retaining the details long enough to get to your computer, when you finally do. Because it seems when you're not focusing on it, it's easy to forget almost everything, unless you had a super vivid dream, which only happens once in a while, really. So I've forgotten a lot, but I do like monitoring it, because it drives it home and makes me feel vaguely like I've tripped recently. Anyway, the other night... I was looking at some table-like platform with numerous potted plants sitting on it. It was very bright and I felt happy knowing that the plants were getting the kind of light they needed to thrive. I came to a ceramic pot with no plant growing out of it, and looked into it. A long, wet, black ... well, the part of the conch that comes out of its shell and stretches across the aquarium glass, starting winding its way up to the edge of the pot.
I thought vaguely that it looked like a baby elephant trunk, and then it was a baby elephant, growing out of the flowerpot.
I was sitting in the audience of a movie theatre in the dark. I was surrounded by phones - I mean, I was sitting IN phones: there were hundreds of them surrounding me. I was like the cherry on top of a phone sundae.
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