Mini mamba gone missing

I was talking to an ex-participant on the phone, and she said she had to go, but would call me right back. Then I realized it was really late at night, but I didn't want to go to bed because I wanted to talk to her if she called back. So I was cleaning out a terrarium the kids had, which contained a baby green mamba. It was about 3 inches long and really skinny, like spaghetti. Anyway, when I opened the cage, the snake escaped and was slithering all over the kitchen and I couldn't get it, and then it went into a hole in the wall. I felt bad, but I didn't really care all that much. I figured the kids would get over it. Then Brian came home and as I was telling him what happened, I realized that the cute little spaghetti snake was going to grow into a humongous deadly poisonous snake, and I started freaking out because I was sure it would eventually kill Emmett and it was all going to be my fault for letting it go.
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