Actually running

By the way, I loved your last two - weird and interesting and disturbing and cool. We could never just come up with this stuff. Well, maybe I should just speak for myself. I was in a room/renting an apartment, and there was a large empty, window-surrounded room with a blonde wood floor. The room looked out on an expansive view of the ocean, and the shore was basically right beneath the house, which I've dreamed before-homes directly on the water, where during rough weather waves crash into the living room and lap at windows.
("things can only get worse, this is the lesson of Africa" - someone just said that on NPR...interesting). The room was beautiful and full of light and almost a part of the ocean, like it was an island. I loved it. But then some guy was there that I had to run away from, and I was running across a field, toward a hill in the distance which now that i think about it reminds me of a place i used to hang out when i was 11 or so...and suddenly I realized that I was actually running and moving quickly, not like normally when I try to run in dreams and i struggle and push and can barely move, or want to scream but can't make any sound. I hate those. So I thought I had a chance at evading this guy. I ran into the woods and came upon a cliff, and I jumped off the edge and grabbed onto some vines or ropes that were hanging off the cliff. And again I thought why am I able to hold onto these, when normally i wouldn't have the strength? And somehow the guy found me anyway. I woke up slightly nervous. Sometimes i get this thing where some scary turn occurs in a dream and all of a sudden I know it's going to get worse, and i almost try to steel myself against the frightening thing that's going to happen. And it's like my nervousness just darkens the dream more... i don't know, i haven't had a very scary dream in a while...i like the potential here, don't you? Wouldn't it be fascinating if we keep this going for a while and capture so much strange shit coming out of our subconscious.
By the way, aren't those pictures fabulous? I had so much fun looking at Google images with the keywords "room sea view"... I didn't see anything that really looked like what I was thinking of, but isn't that top one awesome? That's the Amalfi Coast, some 5star hotel. It was the first time that I looked at page after page of images and they remained the thing I was looking for, i.e. a room with a sea view. You know how sometimes you're looking for something and you get two images of what you're looking for and then people's vacation pictures and random drawings and shit.
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