The Dog Whisperer

I was in some large school-type building. I was hanging out with Cesar Milan while he did some Dog Whispering. Then he and I were standing together on the steps of the school, saying goodbye. He leaned in like he was going to give me a "friendly" kiss goodbye, and our closed lips met, and I could feel him lingering, so then I lingered. And I couldn't believe that Cesar, who was rich and basically famous, liked me enough to want to kiss me. Later H. and I walked into a movie theatre and I knew Cesar would be there, and I wanted to sit next to him to figure out if he still liked me, but he was with his wife. I was trying to catch his eye but he seemed disinterested. Or was he?
I also had several new aquarium specimens, but there were bizarre blobs that I was afraid to touch or deal with. One of the weird spidery things had a price tag on its back and I wanted Cesar to take it off since he was the brave animal guy.
Last night I was hanging out with about 10 girls from high school, including Heather Saccone and Sue. It was somebody's birthday, and they were all doing shots, and someone ordered a shot for everyone but me. And then I was like, screw this, and I left, feeling relieved and disgusted with myself at the same time. Later I was standing in a room with Heather, and I tried to make conversation and asked her something like, Do you still live in Weymouth? And then she said something that I didn't catch and I said, What? But right as she was starting to tell me I realized I did hear it and played it back in my head, and she had said "Hakuna Matata" like, don't worry about it. But she was insulting me.
Later I was looking at a reflection of me in some glass double doors. I was wearing a navy blue bikini and was thinking that I didn't look too bad, but also that I couldn't believe I was standing outside with a bikini on. Then I was on a bike, perched on the cusp of this crazy track that wound around, all through the air, like it was some sort of obstacle or recreational sport. I was sure I was going to fly off but I seemed to be able to ride it without falling.
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