confusion and nakedness and pizza

I dont remember much of a storyline, but as writing is one of the things on "The List" I am going to write about my dream, cuz dammit, I remember it. Sorta.
I was with a group of people and we were walking in a little town. I believe it was supposed to be the island, but it was kind of like Weymouth - the Jackson Square area, to be specific. But I know that I have had a dream set in this same town before. There is an ice cream shop up the street. But I was down the hill where there was a parade? or a marathon? and lots of people were milling about. Then a naked woman ran past us, and I was laughing at the guys I was with, because they all did the cartoon jaw drop eyes bugging out of your head thing. But then I needed to get off the street because I felt all exposed, like it was me that had been naked, even though i knew it wasn't. Then you were there and we were in a pizza place and the waiter kept bringing food over that we didn't order, but he made us take it. We didn't mind, though. It was pizza and garlic bread and pitchers of beer. The floor was that green astroturf stuff, and the lights were too bright and flourescent and there were dartboards on the wall.