Monday, October 06, 2008

remembered another one

can i just say that i just read a bunch of entries from 2006 and had the best time - fascinating, funny, weird and cool. I'm so glad I started to do this again.

I realized out of nowhere that, although I thought i had four fish tanks suddenly i remembered that I actually had about 10, and I hadn't been feeding or caring for any of them. And I was like, holy shit, but as I looked in each tank, I realized that almost everyone was living. And in the largest middle tank there were two adult skunks curled up with a bunch of baby skunks, and I was so pissed that I had missed the whole birthing and stuff and how could they still be alive in there if I haven't been feeding them? and they must have been getting out when I was at work and how is it possible that I didn't know they were in there breeding?

The Suicide of George W. Bush

I was in Canada, visiting my cousins...Mary and/or Sarah might have been there. We were all heading back to the States. We were walking down a long white hallway like you'd find between terminals of an airport. My cellphone rang, and it was a friend of my mother's (?) who said she had bad news for me. "George Bush has just killed himself." She spoke in a wavering, upset voice. "I'm so sorry." Part of me wondered why she was apologizing to me like I knew him or something, but mostly I was horrified. It felt so real, the confused terror. Everyone who was walking in the hallway with us seemed to learn the news at the same time as me, even though I heard it through my phone. Everyone froze and stared. Then everybody moved and pressed themselves against the wall...I was thinking that it might be some primitive survival mechanism - like, Get Out Of The Way! We still wanted to get back to the States but I was afraid to take a plane or drive on the roads. I was huddling with a group of woman while we made this decision, and a black girl about my age with a red shirt on held her hand out to me to give a low high five, like she was trying to tell me that she totally agreed with me, no one should travel on the roads, it's dangerous out there. Society seemed to be breaking down but I didn't really see any evidence of this, just felt it. There were herds of people in the roads, sort of like War of the Worlds. At one point people were crying about Bush, and I almost felt tears come to my eyes but then I remembered that I didn't like Bush and wasn't even that sorry he was dead... mostly sorry for the country and that he was so distraught as do something like that... maybe it felt even more horrifying than it would in real life...