Thursday, November 30, 2006

Nudie Boo

Remember Boo? Well, I had a dream that a bunch of people were sleeping in the same bed, including Boo and I. (In real life in my book there was a wedding and that night everyone stayed over because they had travelled form far away and all the women were sleeping together in the same room.) So I woke up and Boo was sitting on the bed in a robe, which was open to expose her nether regions to one and all. I was trying to be cool, but it was making me uncomfortable, because I didn't want to look, but I couldn't help it. She was very exposed.
Why am I having these pseudo sex dreams?

***I just realized I could add a georgia o'keefe picture to highlight the graphic nature of the dream. Heehee. I'm funny.

Jumping Kitten

Okay, I searched for "jumping kitten" and this came up. This is bizarre. I swear I have never seen this before, and yet it so very relates to my dream. I was in a sparsely furnished house, and there were random people mastrubating in different rooms. I was trying to give everyone privacy, so I went into the kitchen, and the light was very dim, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move, like a kitten jumping. But then I remembered we don't have a kitten.

Mutant Corn on the Cob

We were at a house I have never been to, for Brian's cousin Amanda's wedding. All of Brian's family was there, and we were helping them set up. Someone asked us to pick some corn for the reception and I went over to these rows of corn and picked some corn, but it looked weird. Then I picked corn from another plant, and that corn was different, even weirder. I kept picking corn and it kept looking less and less like corn. I was worried that I wasn't doing a good job helping, and also feeling rather pathetic that I couldn't manage to find the normal corn.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Tropical shark-filled paradise

Lessee... I was back at UMass and going to some skydiving class, but once I was there I was like wait, no! I don't want to do this! It's not worth the risk of plummeting to my death! Then I was in VH and Stefan was getting married and the ceremony was right next to Educomp...Then I was in the tropics. This nerdy guy, I guess some scientist who was doing research there, was taking me around the island. He drove a converted rabbit hutch - you had to move some of the boards and screen and sit, and then it was like a little car. The weather was beautiful and I was thinking about how soon I would be home, and what it would be like to live somewhere where the weather was beautiful all the time. I was looking out over the water and wondering how many sharks were in there, and then I was seeing lots of different birds paddling around in the water. Then I wondered where Harrison was and why was I spending all this time with nerdy guy? We drove past a little herd of black and white miniature horses. One of them was drinking from a stream that was running down a grassy hill, slapping his lips together in a comical way. Then I was walking through the forest right along the shore, looking at all sorts of weird tropical vegetation that had different pods and berries and stuff hanging off them, and wondering if you could eat them, and figured I could ask nerdy guy and he would know. Then I heard a sound like a gunshot and looked out across the water, and a bunch of people were jumping into the water off cliffs a little ways off - they were jumping from these artificial ...platforms? They were strange artificial structures attached to the cliffs and I think they were making people fall into the water faster, somehow, thus making that loud sound.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Forgettable...oh, and a blow-up doll

They've all been very forgettable and disjointed... last night I realized that I hadn't fed my fish in forever and I felt very guilty, but they were all still alive. One of them had been stuck in some tube part of the tank and I had to force him out and back into the tank and it looked like he lost an eye. Then I saw someone looking at a tiny black flounder flopping on the ground...what else... something weird about a sex shop or something (I just searched for images of a blow up doll but realized that I didn't really want to save it onto my computer).

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Whale Eye

I was in a supermarket and came across a huge package of what looked like salmon, about 2'x2' shrink wrapped in plastic. But it was actually whale meat, and the whale's eye was still in there, and someone near me poked at the eye with their finger, and it moved like it was still alive. Also, something about me living right next to a funeral home...?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

G for Gross

I don't really want to write the dreams that I had the last couple of days. I know they were longer and more interesting than what I remember, but I only remember gross parts. By the way, again, yours were really crazy and interesting. I might name my next cat Augustus. So, I still feel like I should write them down, briefly. The first was, I was staying at some fancy hotel, and had to use the bathroom, and the bathroom had about 20 stalls, and all the doors were open, and every single toilet was full of ...well, you know. Like, very full. And so I couldn't go and didn't want to pay for my hotel room and was demanding that I only pay $10 for the room. Then last night, I was at your house in the back yard, and a red-bellied woodpecker was drumming on the side of your house, and I was knocking on a shingle, and the woodpecker was answering with more drumming, and it was kind of cool. But then the woodpecker turned and stuck his back end in my direction, and there were no feathers on it, just a red, bare ass like the chicken I saw the other day. And he was huge, suddenly. And then, a very large amount of white, viscous (now that I think of it, it looked like the soup I saw someone cook the other day at work and I couldn't figure out what the fuck it was, cream of some shit) fluid came spraying out of his back end, and poured all over Emmett, and Emmett started crying. Then I was in a room with a bunch of people and everybody was eating eggs that Harrison made, all differently cooked and prepared. And I suspected he used some of that white fluid on the eggs that he was serving and I felt grossed out and glad I wasn't eating them.

This was another saga of a dream, with many different parts. The beginning I don't really remember except you and I were in a bar in the upstairs of someone's house, overlooking the water. It kind of looked like the dining room at the Leeside. Eventually, I walked home by myself. You and I were back in college and renting rooms in a big Greek style house where a family lived. The next day I was telling you that a big cat had led me home, and we were walking back from campus, and then we saw the big cat and he led us home again. He was a big furry kitty - kind of grey and brown and orange - and he was wearing a wreath on his head made of olive leaves? I don't know, like the kind the ancient greeks supposedly wore. Anyway, his name was Augustus, nobody told me that, I just knew, and I was certain of it and happy to know his name. So he led us to the house and you said, "No this isn't the house." And I told you yes it is, it's just that Augustus magically decorated it for christmas and we wouldn't recognize the house, that must be why he was here to show us the way. Then you were telling me that you had been to see your doctor and she had changed your prescriptions because you were pregnant and the meds you were on caused brain malformations in fetal mice. You were saying that you were really happy you had gone to that appointment because you didn't know about the medication.
Then I was back in the upstairs bar in bed and I woke up and got up so I could write the dream down, because I didn't want to forget. But then Emmett got up and had to pee and I was helping him and we were living in this crowded crappy apartment and he started to pee in his pull up and got all freaked out, so I was trying to calm him down but the pee was going all over the floor, where I had clean laundry piled up, and I was starting to get aggravated. I could hear Brian talking on the phone, saying he was so busy he could barely find time for his hobbies anymore, and that really pissed me off. Then you and I were sitting in my livingroom ( my real livingroom) and Brian and a couple of other guys were there, and I was taking a pregnancy test that tested my sweat, so I was wiping myself with these baby wipes and testing them, and it was posotive and I was really upset. I told Brian and he was just laying on the floor. I kept saying "fuck!!" but then realized that other people were there, and said, "oh, I mean yay!" and I didn't want to upset you , because I remembered you were pregnant, too, and I didn't want you to think that being pregnant was a really bad thing. Then I started to get confused, like, did I know she was pregnant? Did she tell me? And I woke up very confused and thinking you were pregnant, but not sure.

Disembodied Penis

Okay, this is going back a few days, so the details are mostly forgotten, but I just remembered part of it yesterday and I have to write it down, because it is so random.
We were living in a dorm-type situation (like ya do in dreams) and for some reason I had a disembodied penis. A real one, not like a dildo or something. And I couldn't stop touching it, and everyone was like, "Stop playing with your disembodied penis!" But I couldn't.
I'm at work, so I can't look for a picture to go along with this one. Maybe I will later.

Monday, November 13, 2006

i am so proud of us

This is another non-dream post. I just wanted to say I am so proud of us for continuing to do this blog, and that I continue to think it is one of the best ideas you ever came up with. Okay, that's all.

Holy shit the picture came out humongous!!! Um, but I still want to keep it because we're grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

I am a loser.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Actually running

By the way, I loved your last two - weird and interesting and disturbing and cool. We could never just come up with this stuff. Well, maybe I should just speak for myself. I was in a room/renting an apartment, and there was a large empty, window-surrounded room with a blonde wood floor. The room looked out on an expansive view of the ocean, and the shore was basically right beneath the house, which I've dreamed before-homes directly on the water, where during rough weather waves crash into the living room and lap at windows.
("things can only get worse, this is the lesson of Africa" - someone just said that on NPR...interesting). The room was beautiful and full of light and almost a part of the ocean, like it was an island. I loved it. But then some guy was there that I had to run away from, and I was running across a field, toward a hill in the distance which now that i think about it reminds me of a place i used to hang out when i was 11 or so...and suddenly I realized that I was actually running and moving quickly, not like normally when I try to run in dreams and i struggle and push and can barely move, or want to scream but can't make any sound. I hate those. So I thought I had a chance at evading this guy. I ran into the woods and came upon a cliff, and I jumped off the edge and grabbed onto some vines or ropes that were hanging off the cliff. And again I thought why am I able to hold onto these, when normally i wouldn't have the strength? And somehow the guy found me anyway. I woke up slightly nervous. Sometimes i get this thing where some scary turn occurs in a dream and all of a sudden I know it's going to get worse, and i almost try to steel myself against the frightening thing that's going to happen. And it's like my nervousness just darkens the dream more... i don't know, i haven't had a very scary dream in a while...i like the potential here, don't you? Wouldn't it be fascinating if we keep this going for a while and capture so much strange shit coming out of our subconscious.
By the way, aren't those pictures fabulous? I had so much fun looking at Google images with the keywords "room sea view"... I didn't see anything that really looked like what I was thinking of, but isn't that top one awesome? That's the Amalfi Coast, some 5star hotel. It was the first time that I looked at page after page of images and they remained the thing I was looking for, i.e. a room with a sea view. You know how sometimes you're looking for something and you get two images of what you're looking for and then people's vacation pictures and random drawings and shit.

Time travel

So you and I are travelling back and forth through time. I think that we were the same person, but I was the present "us" and you were the past "us". You were wearing a long brown dress with an apron and a hat type thing - kind of like an 18th century villager? , and I was wearing regular modern clothes. Anyway, we were in love with this guy, and something happened, and he died. So then you said we had to go back even further in the past to stop him from dying, and we do that and Brian kills him. I get really mad at Brian, telling him I hate him (which actually happened in real life the other night) and that I loved the man he killed and Brian has ruined everything. Brian doesn't care at all, he says, "he was in my house and I killed him, I'm not sorry about that." And for some reason now you are stuck in the past and I am stuck in the present and we can't try to fix it again. Then Harrison shows up and I keep trying to avoid talking about you, because I don't want to tell him you travelling back in time to save the man you love, who is obviously not him. I take him outside to see our sheep, which are the size of baby goats and need to be milked and the milk just starts spraying all over the place.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

More Dinosaurs

Okay, this was a long one, with lots of different twists and turns. At first I am at the kids' school and all the parents are planning activities to bring the kids to, or to bring in to show the kids. Emmett's teacher is making comments about someone's hairdo, and I can't tell if she's talking about me or Brian, but it upsets me either way.
Something about time travel, or a Jurrasic Park thing, where there are real dinosaurs around and I am with a group of paleontoligists.
Then I am at a museum (?) where a dinosaur exhibit has been put together by the school, and we're looking at this live dinosaur, who is in a little habitat inside a building and only has a short stone wall separating him from the public. I am studying the dinosaur because I can't tell what kind he is, or even where his head is. Then he is growing more appendages, but none of them have heads. Then I notice there is something under the dinosaur's skin, and it is moving and pushing the skin out, and I know it is going to burst out and change the form of the dinosaur, and I don't want to see the transformation, so I go into a different room. The next room is a bookstore or lending library (I can't tell) and the clerk/librarian is asking my about my interests. They are all books on herbs and potions and witchcraft. I ask for just one book about growing herbs, and she keeps giving me books on all different subjects - too many for me to carry. I tell her I just want to take one or two, I am just starting out, I don't want to be overwhelmed, and she says, "These are all really good books. Maybe I can work something out with Brian." I don't know how to tell her it isn't the money, it's that it's just too many books. So I walk out of the room and I can see the dinosaur habitat through a window, and the dinosaur has changed into a human, like a caveman with a big scraggy beard and long hair, and his head, torso and arms and legs are all disconnected, and he is on a table and trying to put himself back together. It's not gross, but it is very disturbing.

My Dad is Gay

I go visit my Dad who has recently separated from Mary and discovered he has a 13 year old son. When I get to the hotel where we are staying (a very nice hotel where I have stayed in other dreams) Dad is there with a "friend", and he gradually comes out. I am okay with this until I see the two of them sitting next to each other and his friend's hand is on my Dad's leg. I talk to my new half brother about how I want to be okay with this, but it just seems weird, and it makes me feel bad that I am not supportive of my Dad.

Faux Murder

I am with a group of women and some adolescent boys are "pretending" to stab each other. But there is blood and screaming. Then the woman and I are scared and try to call for help, but the "victim" stands up and says, "it's okay, it was only a joke." They want us to help them, somehow, but we are all too afraid and confused. Wake up in a panic once again. I hope this trend does not continue.

Another Work Dream

OKay, so I was at a picnic lunch thing in the parkinglot of the VH Co-op Bank, with all my coworkers. I am talking to Blair Underwood (aka Dr. Robert Leeds of Sex and the City fame) and we're getting along quite nicely. He asks me out, and I say yes, but am afraid that Miranda (who, in the dream is my friend and coworker, not just a character on a tv show) will be mad at me.
Then i am going on home visits in the middle of the night and I show up at participant A's house, and participant B is there (in real life their baby daddies are the same guy). Pt A is asleep, and Pt B has her visit with me. Then I leave to go to another visit, but I am running late and start to wonder why I am doing visits in the middle of the night, anyway? Oh, because I don't have time to do them because I have to go offisland in the morning. Then i am parking my car at Owen Park and the metermaid is giving me a hard time about parking there and she knows I am going on the boat and will be there too long and she is "watching me". Then I remember that I have to take my car off island anyway, so I start to drive to the SSA parkinglot when I suddenly remember that I have the kids' lunchboxes in the car and never made their lunches. Then I can't remember even bringing them to school, and I am afraid I left them at home alone. I wake up in a panic.

Friday, November 03, 2006

You really have to pay attention

When you're not thinking about and hoping to remember your dreams, it really makes a difference as far as retaining the details long enough to get to your computer, when you finally do. Because it seems when you're not focusing on it, it's easy to forget almost everything, unless you had a super vivid dream, which only happens once in a while, really. So I've forgotten a lot, but I do like monitoring it, because it drives it home and makes me feel vaguely like I've tripped recently. Anyway, the other night... I was looking at some table-like platform with numerous potted plants sitting on it. It was very bright and I felt happy knowing that the plants were getting the kind of light they needed to thrive. I came to a ceramic pot with no plant growing out of it, and looked into it. A long, wet, black ... well, the part of the conch that comes out of its shell and stretches across the aquarium glass, starting winding its way up to the edge of the pot.
I thought vaguely that it looked like a baby elephant trunk, and then it was a baby elephant, growing out of the flowerpot.
I was sitting in the audience of a movie theatre in the dark. I was surrounded by phones - I mean, I was sitting IN phones: there were hundreds of them surrounding me. I was like the cherry on top of a phone sundae.