Monday, January 28, 2008

Death by Trolley

I walked into our bedroom and Brian was smoking a cigarette and I was so so so angry. I have this one a lot, actually.

I went on a trip to Ireland. It was hot and muggy. When I came back, someone was telling me it had been hot there because it is summer in Ireland now. I was like, umm... I don't think so. Then I was getting ready to go back to work after my Ireland vacation and I was thinking that I needed to make a boat reservation to go off for work on Tuesday and I was hoping I would be able to get one. Then you were saying that you didn't think I worked there anymore, like for a long time, now. And I was like, No! They're expecting me to show up! They're counting on me! I have to go. But then I started to remember that I had quit and I got very confused.

Riding a streetcar with Brian and Sandra. Brian and I were going somewhere and Sandra knew all the stops and how to get there. There was an Irish politician and his wife on the trolley. The wife was american, but had a funny way of talking. I can't remember exactly, but I liked it. She looked like a movie star from the 40s. Then it was our stop and Brian and Sandra got off and I fell when I was getting off, and i couldn't get up and I was afraid the trolley was going to run me over and I kept saying "I can't get up! I can't get up!" But they weren't paying attention.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hippie funeral

Again, this is an old one, but I'm writing it anyway...

I was only asleep for a minute or two, fell asleep with Em, but I was suddenly dreaming about being on my patio on a warm sunny day. There was a group of hippies playing instruments and the music was amazing and I couldn't beleive how beautiful it was. But I was high, and I felt guilty being high, because it was some kind of funeral. I was thinking that it would have been so much more fun if the "other people" weren't there. ??? I guess I wanted it to just be me and the hippies.

A long long time ago

I must have had this one at least a month ago, but I'm still writing it here, so I can cross it off my list.

So I was in a bar with a bunch of people. I know Brian was there, and so was a guy who was showing us around, and kind of reminded me of Justin Beland, who I worked with at the LMT. There was a tv in the bar and they were playing some retro music thing, and a song came on and everyone was dancing and singing and it was making everyone so happy. Then as I was waking up I realized the song was "It takes two" by Rob Bass.
