Horse/sheep offspring and a pirate party

I went down to the sheep pen to check on Joey, and she had her baby, only is was a foal, not a lamb. The foal was kind of brownish pink and was having a hard time standing up, it kept wobbling and falling over and it was still all slimy, but I wanted Joey to clean him up, because Liz told me that licking the babies helps tell the mom's body to produce milk, etc. Anyway, someone was coming over to help, so i stayed outside the pen, and then looked over at Joey (who was still ignoring the baby) and she had become a horse - like, a miniature horse. And I couldn't believe that a ram had impregnated her, because they were different species. So I look up the hill to see if the helper person is coming, and there is a huge line of people who have come over to see the babies. I was worried that the crows was going to freak out the animals, but then i thought we'd beter get everyone used to having people around.
Then we were all in a bar - all the people who had been at my house - and it was everyone I had ever known, pretty much. I didnt' really know why they were there, a big party for some reason. And Brian's friend Brian Nelson was there with his co-worker and they were in suits and sitting at the bar doing all these calculations. I decided they were boring so i went to see who else i could talk to. I saw Andrea from college. She was pregnant, so i asked her how she was feeling. She said she had this sharp pain, like her whole belly tightening. She lifted up her shirt to show me, and she was hugely pregnant and her belly was really hard. I said it's probably braxton hicks, and she didn't seem to know what i was talking about, so i took her downstairs (we were in a house now - it was brian's nelson's dad's house, but brian lived there while his dad was away) and gave her some water and had her lay on the couch. I told her if the pains didn't get better to have someone come find me and we'd call her doctor. Then I was looking around the house and someone pointed out a set table in the bedroom, and we were wondering if Brian was really loaded and had servants come bring him meals in his bedroom. Then we looked out the window, which overlooked some harbor, and saw Brian Nelson's dad sailing into the harbor on a pirate ship, with a pirate hat on. And everyone was freaking out that Brian's dad was home unexpectedly and we had to end the party and clear out of his house.