I needed to get from point A to point B, and needed to walk through a woody, rural area to get there. I knew there were wolves, but it was safe as long as it wasn't too dark. At one point I was walking with others along a snowy path (I think you - KT -were in front of me), and the wolves were upon us. We all froze, and I looked ahead of me where you lay and one wolf was just sniffing around your head, and I slowly realized he wasn't going to eat us. Still, later in the dream I had to walk from A to B in complete darkness, and started along the snowy road thinking "
i've done this before and it was
ok" but then walking along, hearing and vaguely seeing the silhouettes of several wolves running around and I thought - they'll fucking eat me if I walk here at night" so I turned around quickly and worried and ran off. At one point a dog-like creature ran along side of me but seemed handicapped somehow... when he came closer I saw that he had all kinds of leashes and clips on him, and I carefully released him thinking he could bite me but also he looked like a regular dog, almost a puppy...and he caused me no trouble.
At one point I was in a room where a radio commercial was being recorded, and Jessica Alba and J. Kransinski were recording a commercial for sausages. I briefly woke up and tried to burn the image of Jessica into my brain, a large sausage and a fat microphone in front of her face... I definitely thought "this is one for the blog..."
I don't think this was last night but recently dreamed that me, Sue and Heather got together for one crazy night, and I stepped with them onto an elevator and thenwoke up the next day not remembering anything but having all kinds of photos of shenanigans and being amazed I still had my wallet and phone with me... just realized that was totally because I watched "The Hangover" recently...