Friday, April 27, 2012


I was watching someone else's house for them, and things were going well. All of a sudden I was getting upset and I looked out on the porch and the cat was squashed flat. As if it had been trampled. I was, again, very upset. And a few nights ago, i dreamed that Hunter was in an institution. He was autistic, or something? And we were trying to break him out.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I look like Marylin Monroe in a hotel bathroom

In a toy store with the kids, they were picking out toys. My nephew Brian was with us. We were somewhere else. Florida? The kids were interested in a video game, but the sales woman said not to buy it because "you can't download it to a computer anymore", but she said it was really fun to play, and invited us to play the demo in the store. I was on a trip, staying in a hotel by myself. But I was playing video games with this man and we were hanging out and having fun together. At one point, he was asking me if I was interested in him, and I couldn't answer, because I kind of was, but I had this nagging feeling that I wasn't supposed to be, that I was married or engaged, but I couldn't remember who to, I was thinking it was Greg, but I couldn't really remember him or why we were together. I had to pack because it was time to leave, so I decided I had to go back to my real life so I could remember what it was, and figure out if I really liked this new guy enough to mess it up. I was very confused. I went into my own hotel room, and I was completely overwhelmed by the amount of packing I had to do? Or the things I saw in the room? I was hysterically upset. The room terrified me. So I decided to leave my stuff there and just go home. Or maybe just stay in the guys room and not deal with any of it. Then I went into the bathroom to hide from the scary overwhelming room, and I saw myself in the mirror, and I looked so cute and sexy, kind of life Marylin Monroe, that I wanted someone to take my picture.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Get those dogs out of here!

I was across the creek and I was in my jammies and inside something I couldn't get out of? Like a giant play pen. Two kids came down with dogs, and I was screaming at them to get away from here, but they didn't listen. Then one of them opened a gate and let the dogs in, and I was screaming and screaming for them to get away from here, but they either couldn't hear me, or they were ignoring me because they knew I couldn't get out of my play pen. I woke up thinking we need to make signs to put on the new fence.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I am a smartypants.

Look at what I did! I am soooo smaaaaahhhht.

Yet another bathroom dream

I really really sad, because I had to take down the Christmas decorations, and they were so pretty and the ceilings were so high in my house (a different, fancypants house), and it was going to be so hard, and then everything was going to be ugly when I was done. I was very upset and crying.

Then I was at a function, like a wedding, maybe? with Brian and I had to go to the bathroom, but there were no bathrooms. I told Brian we had to leave, because I had to go to the bathroom, and he pointed to the bathroom, and said "whats wrong with that bathroom?" So I went in, and it was very pretty and had this intricately patterned wall paper.

Then I was in a big open room, and someone (Maybe this woman, pat, from work?) was showing me a super fancy toilet, and she kept changing all the settings on it, to show me how many functions it had, and I just really had to pee, so I asked her to just let me use it, and she said okay, and then flipped down the seat, which had what looked like a cheese grater on it. Then she and Stephanie were helping me sit on it, it was really really tall and I couldn't get up on it myself, and then I finally did and i sat down, and I said, "Oh, this won't work. I feel like I'm sitting on a cheese grater."